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The importance of taking time off during everyday life

Thinking about the past, it is amazing to notice all the progresses that the humans have reached, in terms of technologies, communication and many more, leading to the fast and developed society in which we live in. However, this doesn’t have only positive aspects, but many negative ones (e.g., work related emails outside of working hours, unexpected news to which anyone can easily access through their phones and many more). In fact, for a human being may be very difficult to keep up with its duties and this can often lead to stress, anxiety or depression.

It's not a mystery that most of the people look at the pandemic of COVID-19 as the main cause of this trend. During that period, each one of us had to reorganize lives and review priorities, standardizing more and more each day. With the advent of the working-from-home trend, it can be said that work has “invaded” that safe space call “home”, where most of the time is no more spent on personal things like relaxing or having a good time with relatives. It is true that working-from-home has given many people the opportunity to maintain their jobs during the pandemic, as it is also true that it has exacerbated the conflict between work and personal life, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy routine and having a significant impact on the psychological point of view of each of us. In this regard, in 1999, Leonardo Zoff published a book titled “Essential care: an ethics of human nature,” in which he explained the importance of combining work and self-care, saying “the recovery of the way of being through care is not achieved at the expense of work; rather, it is achieved through a different way of understanding and performing work. To do this, human beings must turn to themselves and discover their way of being through care”.


No less important is the worrying and widespread tendency to think of not being able to take breaks, otherwise the work will not be completed or will not be carried out in the best possible way. Numerous studies such as the one conducted by Carla Aparecida Spagnol in 2023, has shown the essentiality of breaks during working hours as both physically and mentally beneficial. Breaks can help improve concentration, energy, relieve stress and muscle tension. In addition, according to an amendment by the Brazilian Ministry of Labor, the total number of hours of daily breaks during the work week should amount to 11, while the time devoted to breaks during daily working hours should be 15 min for those working 6 hours and up to one hour for workers engaged for 8 hours. Cultivate hobbies, listen to music, engage relationship with colleagues, stretch legs and go for a walk, there are plenty of things that can be done to fill the “spare time” during work shift.


It’s important to find the best way that works for you and make the most of the free time. For example, plan the day with everything that is fulfilling for you, focus on self-care, relax reading a book, exercise and improve body health, discover new activities and interests, reconnect with nature and be curious in living an active life. Work is an important part of everyone’s life, like taking time off too. Putting one thing before the other one is not healthy and right, what’s necessary is a balance. There is no shame in saying “need a break”, we’re human beings and not robots who can’t feel tiredness. Anyone should know when it’s time to say “stop” and be able to take time to press the “restart” button, because mental and physical health are more important than anything else.


By Pierpaolo Palermo



Boff, Leonardo. Saber cuidar: ética do humano-compaixão pela terra. Editora Vozes Limitada, 2017.

Spagnol CA. Home × office or home and office: importance of breaks at work. Rev Bras Med Trab. 2023 Apr 18;21(1):e2023857. doi: 10.47626/1679-4435-2023-857.

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